Why financially support the EC Protocol?

Companies becoming contributors will:
• Ensure approaches to ecosystem condition measurement and accounting are robust but also readily applicable by corporates;

• Ensure the emergence of a level playing field, limiting the possibility for some companies to use less exacting approaches while still claiming they account for ecosystem condition impacts;

• Showcase their engagement for biodiversity;

• By joining working groups, build their internal capacities on biodiversity disclosure, and therefore in the future facilitate their work on compliance with the reporting frameworks and alignment with investors and society expectations.

Contribution terms

To ensure efficient and sustainable operation of the entity, a donation of at least EUR 8 000 would be needed from each contributor. Preferred contribution modalities would therefore be, a yearly endowment of EUR 8 000, or to support the launch of the standard, commit for three years instead of one, and make an endowment of EUR 20 000 (“discount” of EUR 4 000 to support the initiative take-off).

The Ecosystem Condition Protocol is also welcoming larger amount of funding from corporate foundations, which can for instance provide seed funding to launch the Protocol. In this case, the company associated to the foundation would be an official Contributor to the EC Protocol.